G. Thomas Graves III–Revisions to Title IV Are Bad Law

…the first dean of St. Matthew’s Cathedral, the Very Rev. Hudson Stuck, was well versed in the precedents of church history. “For consider that every organized diocese is essentially an independent, autonomous portion of the church, having all that is necessary for a church,” he wrote in 1895. Statements like this were not made to defeat a “national church,” as none existed then on the terms we now see being proposed. They were made out of enthusiasm for spreading the gospel, because Dallas was complete as a diocese and so suited for the challenge. To quote the Rt. Rev. James Stanton, sixth Bishop of Dallas, sovereignty in the context that Stuck and Garrett used it did not mean going it alone. Garrett made this clear when he said that the “fullness of the apostolic power, to which I have referred again and again as the great deposit of authority, resides not in each individual bishop, but in the complete apostolic college. It resides in the whole body of bishops.”

The revisions to Title IV enacted by General Convention at Anaheim in 2009 turn the principles of the founders of the Diocese of Dallas and those of the entire Episcopal Church on their head. As neatly summarized in the excellent article on this subject written by Alan Runyan and Mark McCall, these amendments inflict a broad range of damage that should be of grave concern to Episcopalians across the entire political spectrum. They enable a bishop (and the presiding bishop) not only to serve as policeman writing the citation, but also to sit as a member of the three-person board (or grand jury) that will be appointed to replace a duly elected standing committee.

Any resemblance to due process as we understand it in this country has been eliminated from Title IV, including protection of ordained clergy against self-incrimination. Clergy must now “testify and cooperate”; they must “self-report” an offense; and they will no longer hear Miranda warnings. As rewritten, Title IV works to the advantage of those who currently hold authority within TEC. With a change in regime, however, it could easily become an instrument of control by those they oppose. Good law should serve all parties, not simply whichever group may be in power.

Read it all.


Posted in * Anglican - Episcopal, * Christian Life / Church Life, Church History, Episcopal Church (TEC), General Convention, House of Deputies President, Presiding Bishop, TEC Bishops, TEC Polity & Canons

6 comments on “G. Thomas Graves III–Revisions to Title IV Are Bad Law

  1. A Senior Priest says:

    Part of the objective of these provisions is to transform TEC into a truly hierarchical organization, thereby reinforcing the assertions Mrs Schori makes in court.

  2. francis says:

    Sheep led to the slaughter.

  3. Br. Michael says:

    The liberals don’t ever plan on being out of power.

  4. Cennydd13 says:

    Could this result in more clergy exits from TEC? We’ll soon see.

  5. Cennydd13 says:

    When Mrs Schori tries to claim that TEC is now truly hierarchical, could this work against them in those lawsuits that were filed while they were claiming hierarchy before it takes effect July 1, 2011?

  6. Cennydd13 says:

    I would think that it couldn’t be held to retroactive by a court of law.